Some coho fry will soon be moved to aquariums at Wildwood, Grief Point, Edgehill and Assumption schools for educational opportunities before beening released into the Duck Lake system when school closes for summer break.
There have been 250,000 chinook ponded so far and are now been fed daily.
700,000 Chum alvin have been moved from the Mill Hatchery to the Lang Creek hatchery to be reared and then released in the spring, the chum weighed in at a average of whopping .3 grams.
DSC01237.jpg Lang Bay, BC - 2007 Chinook fry that have been "ponded" and weigh approx .5 grams
| DSC01238.jpg Lang Bay, BC - 2007 For comparison of just how big a .5 gram Chinook is
| DSC01244.jpg Lang Bay, BC - 2007 Coho Alvins recently hatched