041002_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Vancouver Island Air Beech 18 landing
| 041002_17.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 2 - 7PM
| 041004_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 4 - 9AM
041004_02.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Tin to try to prevent dirt from washing down on the house siding
| 041004_03.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Same
| 041005_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 A heavy load of boards for the ceiling. About 40% of what George has cut so far.
041005_08.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 5, 7PM - interesting rosy light
| 041005_03.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 5, 7PM - interesting rosy light
| 041006_02.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Lumber wagon
041006_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Lumber wagon
| 041007_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 The first load of ceiling boards cut to manageable length and sorted by length/width
| 041008_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Another "shipment" from George
041008_02.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 8 - 5:45PM
| 041008_04.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 8 - 8PM
| 041008_05.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 5 - 9:30PM Tug with tow
041009_02.jpg Sonora Island, BC - 2004 Peter Genoux's place - off the island across from George and Hazel's
| 041009_05.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 George's second "shipment" moved from dock to wharf
| 041010_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 First shipment stacked for drying
041011_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 95% of the lumber stacked for drying
| 041011_03.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 ... and the other 5%
| 041011_02.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 Oct. 12 - The day before Peter leaves for the winter
041012_01.jpg Sonora Island, BC - 2004 NW from George and Hazel's
| 041012_02.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_02
| 041012_04.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_04
041012_05.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_05
| 041012_07.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_07
| 041012_08.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_08
041012_10.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_10
| 041012_11.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_11
| 041012_12.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_12
041012_13.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_13
| 041012_14.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_14
| 041012_15.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_15
041012_16.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_16
| 041012_17.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2004 041012_17