010531_01.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 steve
| 010531_07.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 steve
| 010601_02.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 steve
010601_03.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 steve
| 010601_04.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 steve
| 010603_01.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 steve
010707_01.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010707_02.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010709_06.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
010709_07.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 peter, don
| 010709_08a.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010709_09.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
010709_18.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010709_19.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010710_03.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
010710_04.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010710_05.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010710_06.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
010710_07.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010710_08.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010711_01.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
010711_02.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010711_03.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
| 010711_04.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 don
010721_13.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 jesse brown and tammy rummel
| 010721_14.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 jesse brown and tammy rummel
| 010721_15.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 jesse brown and tammy rummel
010722_01.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 jesse brown and tammy rummel
| 010730_14.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 ron, vicci, martha
| 010730_16.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 ron seems to enjoy it
010730_17.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 martha, ron, vicci
| 010730_19.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 vicci and ron
| 010730_21.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 ron, martha, vicci, peter
010730_22.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 vicci and ron, bute inlet
| 010731_07.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 vicci and ron power washing the deck
| 010731_12.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 vicci and ron power washing the deck
010731_13.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 vicci and ron power washing the deck
| 010801_19.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 sarah disembarking
| 010802_21.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah making crepes
010803_02.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah and martha corralling log rounds
| 010803_04.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah and martha corralling log rounds
| 010803_05.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 log corralling ballet
010803_06.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 martha about to wallop sarah with the pike pole?
| 010803_11.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah and martha
| 010803_12.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 martha coming after sarah with the pike pole?
010803_13.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 looks like martha fly casting with the pike pole
| 010803_23.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah hauling in the catch
| 010804_01.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 sarah and martha clamming on conner's beach
010804_03.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 sarah with a prize clam
| 010804_05.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 exploring machine shop cove
| 010804_10.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah whisk brooming the rocks after dad's messy chain sawing
010804_11.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 same
| 010804_15.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah in our new rowboat with mom tending the tether
| 010804_16.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah rowing
010804_20.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 sarah removing yucky kelp from our pristine bay
| 010806_05.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 philip salz inspecting jade
| 010806_06.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 same
010806_04.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 dewey and philip
| 010807_01.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 old timer (peter) passing wisdom on to youngster (philip)
| 010807_02.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 philip, joanne, and peter contemplating the kelp
010807_04.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 philip and joanne - low tide
| 010807_05.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 philip and joanne - low tide
| 010807_12.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 philip driving, martha and joanne unaware of the danger
010807_22.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne and philip - philip's net loft deck abode
| 010807_25.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 x rated
| 010808_03.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne and philip supervising
010808_04.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne and philip supervising
| 010808_10.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne and philip - high tide
| 010809_23.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne unsnarling prawn trap line
010809_25.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 ron maitland and charlie
| 010809_28.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 hollenbeck, park, and maitland boats
| 010809_29.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 philip, neil, joanne
010809_30.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 parks, salz, hollenbecks
| 010809_31.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 parks, salz, hollenbecks
| 010809_36.jpg Rendezvous Lodge, BC - 2001 philip and neil
010809_38.jpg Rendezvous Lodge, BC - 2001 neil and sydney
| 010809_39.jpg Rendezvous Lodge, BC - 2001 joanne and sydney
| 010810_44.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne making drain holes in the new planter
010810_41.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne making drain holes in the new planter
| 010810_50.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne weaving a basket from seaweed
| 010810_51.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne weaving a basket from seaweed
010810_52.jpg Edna Bay, BC - 2001 joanne smashing clam shells
| 010811_60.jpg Big Bay, BC - 2001 philip ready to take off in air rainbow beaver
| 0109brian_02.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 jenny-with-fish-at-hollenbe
0109brian_03.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 lindsay-with-eagle-skull
| 0109brian_04.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 lindsay-with-fish-on-hollen
| 0109brian_05.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 temily---10lb-fish
0109brian_06.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 temily-with-fish-in-front-o
| 0109brian_07.jpg Stuart Island, BC - 2001 grizz-on-beach